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Cable 2N® 1 Metro//2N® 1 Metre Cable

Ref.: 9155050

Extension cable para 2N® Helios IP Verso™. Permite la conexión de los módulos a una distancia mayor (1 metro) de la unidad básica. Adecuado para la conexión del lector de salida o teclado.//The 9155050 is a connecting extension cable for connecting 2N® Helios IP Verso™ Modules to Main Verso™ Base Units, where the standard supplied short lead won"t reach. Ideal for installation situations such as "Press to Exit" buttons on the inside of the door being connected to the Verso Door Intercom on the outside, or for connecting adjacent Verso devices.

Cable 2N® 1 Metro//2N® 1 Metre Cable
Fabricación Bajo Pedido //Produced on Request

[[Puedes consultar el precio de este producto enviando un email a: ///You can consult the price of this product by sending a email to: ]] store@emacs.es

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No hay accesorios disponibles para este producto.//No accessories available for this product.

Intercomunicación IP//IP Intercommunication
Ref.: 9153102

Intercomunicación IP//IP Intercommunication
Ref.: 9153101

Intercomunicación IP//IP Intercommunication
Ref.: 9153101P

Intercomunicación IP//IP Intercommunication
Ref.: 9152102W



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